Cider & Snacks: 4505 Chicharonnes & Treehorn Cider
February 11, 2020
New Festival To Explore Sour Beers, Craft Ciders
February 21, 2020
The inaugural Northeast Cider Conference is designed to meet the unique needs of the cider community in the Northeastern states. Makers, growers, and other cider professionals operating at all levels of scale will have the opportunity to network, learn from their peers, problem solve, and identify new means for growing market share and building a distinctive Northeastern cider culture.
March 24-26 | Albany, NY
March 24
Evening Cider Share & Registration
March 25
Full-Day of Sessions & Trade Show
March 26
Half-Day Session
Hosted by the New York Cider Association in collaboration with the Glynwood Center for Regional Food and Farming and supported by Angry Orchard’s ongoing contribution to the cider industry in the Northeast and beyond.