
Ironic, isn’t it, that some of the most cool, refreshing ciders come from the mitten state? In that fashion, we have another hard cider from the Michigan, Starcut Cider Companies’ Phuzz (pronounced fuzz).  What’s the Phuzz about? It’s power-packed peach cider!  Get it? Peach “phuzz”?

Starcut’s Phuzz is described as a semi-sweet cider fermented with Michigan apples and peaches.  So the two got together for a co-ferment, bringing a little more essence of each fruit in without being a straight cider with added juice flavor.  They further describe the cider’s color as a clear amber straw color with aromas of fresh apple and peach, harboring a slight tartness.

We were certainly excited to crack this bottle open and peacefully enjoy the flavors. With a healthy abv of 6.9%, the peace could be broken if you have a few too many. But, we have the willpower to hold back!  On the pour, the color to the glass is a light golden color with a light-to-medium carbonation that left a small head roaming free.  The smell was certainly more delicate with a peach scent reminiscent of peach skin and dancing notes of crisp apple.  On the taste, you are first met with a distinct sweetness on the back of the tongue and the bitter peach bite (again, the flavor of peach skin).  The apple gets lost a bit, especially the more you drink the cider, and the flesh flavors become deeper and more pronounced.  It does have a good tartness that has a desirable hit of acidity to balance.  We found favor in the mouthfeel. It was close to a medium body which feels natural for this type of cider.

Overall, the cider seems more dry than sweet but its more balanced than other peach ciders we have had.  There is an art and difficulty to blending these fermentables and getting the balance of flavors needed for both the peach and apple to shine equally.  Starcut’s Phuzz cider will grow on you the more you drink and you will notice a much more complex flavor profile.  We give this a 3.75/5 – a better peach cider than most. And, that’s why we will remember this one, just like the companion on the bottle, the elephant. Smarter and more consciously flavored. And that’s what all the “phuzz” is about!